成都**大雪 石油钻井液用淀粉类降滤失剂 石油化工助剂 玉米变性淀粉
成都**大雪 石油钻井液用淀粉类降滤失剂 石油化工助剂 玉米变性淀粉
A drilling-mud additive used to control fluid loss in water muds ranging from freshwater to saturated-salt to high-pH lime muds. Starches have thermal stability to about 250°F [121°C]. They are subject to bacterial attack unless protected by high salinity or bactericide. Drilling-grade natural starch has API/ISO specifications for quality. Starches are carbohydrates of a general formula (C6H10O5)n and are derived from corn, wheat, oats, rice, potatoes, yucca and similar plants and vegetables. They consist of about 27% linear polymer (amylose) and about 73% branched polymer (amylopectin). The two polymers are intertwined within starch granules. Granules are insoluble in cold water, but soaking in hot water or under steam pressure ruptures their covering and the polymers hydrate into a colloidal suspension. This product is a pregelatinized starch and has been used in muds for many years. Amylose and amylopectin are nonionic polymers that do not interact with electrolytes. Derivatized starches, such as hydroxypropyl and carboxymethyl starches, are used in drill-in fluids, completion fluids and various brine systems as well as in drilling-mud systems. The use of starch typically causes a minimal increase in viscosity while effectively controlling fluid loss.
欢迎来到宁津县嘉和节能材料有限公司网站, 具体地址是山东德州宁津县宁津县宁城街道办事处谢东村,联系人是吴东宁。
联系电话是13455191122,联系手机是18315880606, 主要经营在建材行业得到了广泛应用。在腻子粉、乳胶漆中作增稠保水剂;在涂料中作悬浮剂、稳定剂、成膜剂,具有乳化、增稠、防沉积等作用。制成水泥胶粉应用于水泥抹灰砂浆、水泥保温抗裂砂浆、瓷砖粘结剂、外墙防水腻子,以及其它与水泥有关的产品中。水溶液稳定且性能优良,具有粘结、增稠、保水、乳化、悬浮、分散等功能。在油井作业过程中作为泥浆稳定剂、保水剂,起到降低失水量。
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