正望碳化硅石墨坩埚炉 中高频熔炼炉
正望碳化硅石墨坩埚炉 中高频熔炼炉
坩埚损坏分析(The possible reason for the crucible damaging )
① 将常温状态下的坩埚直接放入高温中,或者直接快速加热。
② 硬物撞击造成。
③ 坩埚内积累了太多的炉渣。
④ 金属液体没有清理干净,加热后胀破。
⑤ 火焰控制不好,坩埚加热时受热不均匀,上下温度差大。
⑥ 坩埚钳夹取的位置过于靠上,用力过大。
⑦ 炉沿盖压得太紧或者坩埚上沿氧化严重。
⑧ 将料锭 横向放入坩埚内,没有足够的膨胀 空间,胀破坩埚。
⑨ 将热坩埚放在冷地面上,或者坩埚底座太小,不平整。
① The crucible was not preheated or heated up too fast.
② The crucible was impacted by hard goods.
③ Too much slag left in the crucible.
④ The crucible was broken up by the melting metal left.
⑤ Uneven heating as a result of the bad flame controlling,which lead to much temperature difference between the top and the bottom for the crucible.
⑥ The contact position of the crucible and the crucible clamp was not proper or the force the between them was too big.
⑦ Too tighten for the furnace lid on the crucible or the crucible top oxidized seriously.
⑧ No enough space left when the ingot was putted into the crucible transversely.
⑨ The heated crucible was put on the cool base directly or the base was too small and irregular.
① 硬物撞击造成,例如料锭扔入坩埚内或者清理坩埚时硬物冲击造成。
② 溶剂直接加入到坩埚内壁上。
③ 烘烤产生微小裂纹造成。
The broken hole and eye
① Impacted by the hard materials.For example,impacted by the hard materials during the cleaning process or the ingot was throwing into the crucible.
② The crucible inwall was covered by the solvent.
③ The appearance of the microcrack during the baking process.
① 熔剂加入量,还有就是熔剂必须在金属熔化后加入。
② 使用劣质焦炭或者炉渣所引起。
③ 加入强腐蚀行性的添加剂。
① The solvent mass or it was added into the crucible before the metal melting.
② Coke oof poor quality or the slag.
③ Addition of highly corrosivesolvent.

欢迎来到青岛正望锆碳制品有限公司网站, 具体地址是山东青岛即墨区环保产业园正望路一号,负责人是张正民。
联系电话是0532-83576260,联系手机是13505325267, 主要经营青岛正望碳制品有限公司位于山东省青岛即墨环保产业园正望路一号,交通便利,是一家实力雄厚,专业致力于有色金属冶炼用坩埚的研发、设计、生产的外资企业。公司由国外引进先进的生产工艺,采用优质的原材料,应用较先进的等静压成型技术生产多种类型的坩埚产品。青岛正望碳制品有限公司主导产品为碳化硅石墨坩埚,产品广泛应用于纯铝、铝合金、铜、铅、铅、锌、金、银等有色金属的熔炼。公司的技术团队经过多年的研发及现场试。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 500 - 1000 万元。

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